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Docs > Object Class Summary

Object Class Summary

The object class is used to construct JavaScript objects and has additional methods to help control the structure and behavior of created objects.

object Object() 
Create and return new JavaScript object.

boolean Object.isExtensible(object) Returns true if the object parameter is extensible. Extensible objects can have properties added or deleted.

void Object.preventExtensions(object) 
Disable ability to add or remove properties from an object.

boolean Object.isSealed(object) 
Returns true if the object parameter is sealed. Sealed objects can have properties added or deleted and all of their property definitions cannot be modified. Property values can be modified.

void Object.seal(object) 
Seal an object disallowing adding, removing, or changing the definitions of its properties. Changing property values are allowed.

boolean Object.isFrozen(object) 
Returns true if the object parameter is frozen. Frozen objects can have properties added or deleted and all of their property definitions and values cannot be modified.

void Object.freeze(object) 
Seal an object disallowing adding, removing, or changing the definitions or values of its properties.

void Object.defineProperty(object,name,desc) 
Add a property or change the definition of an existing property for an object. name is the name of the property. desc is a property descriptor object which contains one or more of the following properties: value: property value on the object. writeable: boolean indicating whether property is read only. enumerable: boolean to includes the property in for / each enumeration. and configurable: allows changing the definition of the property. Please note that Jasic does not support get and set properties on the descriptor object.

void Object.defineProperties(object,props) 
Add a properties or change the definition of existing properties for an object. props is an object where each property assumed to the name of the property to add or change. The value of each property is assumed to be an object containing the following properties: desc is a property descriptor object which contains one or more of the following properties: value: property value on the object. writeable: boolean indicating whether property is read only. enumerable: boolean to includes the property in for / each enumeration. and configurable: allows changing the definition of the property. Please note that Jasic does not support get and set properties on the descriptor object.

array Object.keys(object) 
Return a string array of all enumerable property names on the object.

array Object.getOwnPropertyNames(object) 
Return a string array of all property names on the object.

void Object.create(prototype,props) 
Create a new object. set the proototype, and define the properties for the object.. props is an object where each property assumed to the name of the property to add or change. The value of each property is assumed to be an object containing the following properties: desc is a property descriptor object which contains one or more of the following properties: value: property value on the object. writeable: boolean indicating whether property is read only. enumerable: boolean to includes the property in for / each enumeration. and configurable: allows changing the definition of the property. Please note that Jasic does not support get and set properties on the descriptor object.

object Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object,name) 
Return an object representing the descriptor of a property on an object. The returned object has the following properties: value: property value on the object. writeable: boolean indicating whether property is read only. enumerable: boolean to includes the property in for / each enumeration. and configurable: allows changing the definition of the property.