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Docs > RegExp Class Summary

RegExp Class Summary

The RegExp class provides an implementation for regular expressions in Jasic compliant with the JavaScript ECMAScript specificiations.

object RegExp(pattern,flags) 
Construct a new regular expression object for the pattern and given flags. This is equivalent to using the literal regular expression syntax in JavaScript starting with '/' in expressions.

array exec(string) 
Match the regular expression object against a string and return an array of all matches or null if no matches are found.

boolean test(string) 
Test if string matches the regular expression.

string source 
Pattern of regular expression object as a string.

boolean global 
True if regular expression is global (was constructed with 'g' in the flags)

boolean ignoreCase 
True if regular expression ignores case (was constructed with 'i' in the flags)

boolean multiline 
True if regular expression is multiline (was constructed with 'm' in the flags)

number nextIndex 
Text character position to start the next match from. 0 is assumed if not specified.